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Lawbot HQ

DA Offices

The Lawbot DA Offices are where the lawbots are hiding secret files from the toons, it is up to you to retrieve these files! The lawbots have guarded the files very well, watch out for different puzzles and cogs that will come your way. Make sure to bring your best gear because this wont be an easy mission.
DA Office Puzzles

You will face different parkour obstacles during the Da offices. Watch out for skeletons, they will make the parkour more difficult if you don't pay attention to them.
Giant goons are on the look out! Hidden tripwire hooks are hidden on the floor that can deal major damage! look out for them.

Secret vents are hidden in the offices for toons to sneak through if an exit is blocked. They can be hard to find so look closely.
The Office Attorney is always guarding not only the files, but the exit as well! Be prepared to battle many Lawbots!

There have been more traps reported but these are the only ones we have photo evidence of, whatever the lawbots throw at you, you can handle it! good luck toons!


The Lawbot C.J. is the third boss you will encounter on your adventure.
To defeat the c.j. you must throw the evidence from the jury onto the scale. to obtain evidence, parkour over the giant gavels till you reach the jury stand, then trade with the jurors to get evidence. once obtained, throw it onto the scale. once you have all six, you will win the trial! cogs will be a challenge, so try to get iron golems to back you up!

For defeating the C.J. you'll be given two Totems of undying, these will give you a second chance if you go sad.
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