
Jellybeans are Toontowns currency, you will find them all over the town. Jellybeans allow you to purchase many important items such as armor, gags, and pets, so having these beans are very important. You'll start your adventure off with ten of them but will need to collect them yourself from then on. No fear though, because there are many fun ways to obtain Jellybeans throughout every playground!

Trolly Games

Bonus Tasks



Fishing Ponds are available in every playground as well as every street in the game! These ponds allow you to fish and sell your catch for Jellybeans! Different fish go for more or less beans.

3 Beans
5 Beans
10 Beans

Trolly Games

Trolly Games are a great way to rack up your bean count! There are up to six different mini games all ranging in different bean reward! These Trollies are located in all playgrounds.


Bonus Tasks

Every HQ in all playgrounds have a set of four bonus Toontasks that allow you to turn in extra cog drops for beans, there is also the bank in Toon Central that allows you to turn in extra mob drops for beans.